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BlueSpace is an equity fund dedicated to the Space Economy, a fast-growing sector for the coming decades. In fact, technological advancement allows the construction of increasingly lighter and more efficient satellites and a sharp decrease in in-orbit launch costs (especially thanks to reusable rockets). Thanks to new satellite constellations, it will be possible to connect from anywhere on the planet, accelerating the 5G and IoT themes. Furthermore, the valuable data we receive from space allows us to observe, monitor and predict the changes taking place on Earth, helping us to preserve our planet and find solutions for the most important future challenges, such as population growth, climate change and global digitisation. The fund is advised by an international scientific technical committee.
An equity fund investing in the Life Sciences and Biotech sector. The fund aims to capture the long-term growth dynamics of the sector through research, selection and analysis of listed companies, mainly on the American Stock Exchange. Preference is given to those characterised by better quality, financial prospects, innovation capability and fair-value in stock market price terms. Stock selection is not limited to big-caps but goes as far as R&D companies exhibiting compelling scientific platforms, products pipeline and financial prospects. The fund targets companies across multiple therapeutic areas.
FactsheetFUND updateOne page flyerDynamic Opportunities is a balanced, flexible and global multi-asset fund. The portfolio is extremely active and adopts, when necessary, very decisive positioning that deviates significantly from the traditional 50-50 strategic balanced. Its investment policy allows it to invest globally in bonds and equities, with the weight of both asset classes varying between 25% and 75%. The fund's objective is to participate in the financial markets through a preponderant allocation in risky assets during periods of economic expansion and a more conservative allocation during adverse market phases.
FactsheetOne page FlyerA multi-asset and global macro fund with a strong thematic approach and with the aim of protecting against market drawdowns. The fund invests across all asset classes: stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and non-directional alternative UCITS. Active funds are preferred, even though a large part of the portfolio is allocated to ETFs, proprietary equity baskets, single stocks and bonds. The fund favours long-term themes and medium-term sectorial investments with little presence in undifferentiated market indices. The search for value is key in the fund investment process. The primary objective of drawdown protection is achieved through the use of direct (futures and options) and indirect (alternative strategies, bonds, currencies) hedges in a dynamic risk control framework.
FactsheetFUND updateOne page FlyerA fund whose goal is capital growth through a steady stream of income primarily by means of bond coupons but also through equity dividends. The fund invests primarily in medium-term bonds, generally global investment grade corporate bonds, however, with the possibility of investing in High Yield up to 60% of the fund. As far as equity exposure is concerned, up to a maximum of 15% of the fund, high-quality global companies with a long track record of constant dividend payout are selected. The construction of the ideal asset allocation arises from the perfect mix of the two approaches, top-down and bottom-up, with the aim of increasing capital while minimising market volatility.
FactsheetFUND updateOne page FlyerBlueStar Investment Managers SA
Via G.B. Pioda 8
CH-6900 Lugano
CHE-366.189.869 VAT
T +41 91 260 36 70
F +41 91 260 36 71